To Boost or Not to Boost?

One fact about digital advertising is that it is always changing and always evolving. This kind of constant growth leaves room for a lot of guesswork and even more opinions. Lately, the opinions have been floating around the digi-sphere regarding the effectiveness of “Boosted Posts” on Facebook (a boosted post is a post on the page that is funded to reach higher levels of targeted Facebook users). While some may disagree that the fact that boosted posts are effective, ADZEDIA sees the benefit of boosting posts on Facebook. Here are 3 reasons why you should start boosting your posts on Facebook:

  • Legitimacy. A potential client is going to do research on your company and brand, and it’s a known fact that your company’s social media profiles will be one of the first things they see when they do a simple Google search on your brand. Will they see a page with social media posts but no engagement? They’ll wonder why you have no interaction on your page, and may question the legitimacy or unpopularity of your brand.
  • Reach More People. A boosted post on Facebook reaches thousands of more people than a non-boosted posts on Facebook. This means that thousands of people will see your message on their Newsfeeds, even if they don’t already follow you on Facebook. Not only does this promote brand awareness, but it also expands your brand to a whole new audience.
  • Increase Engagement. Like any modern digital platform, Facebook constantly goes through algorithm changes. New Facebook pages have a difficult time getting their posts to show organically. Even if you page has thousands of followers, each post may only to show to one hundred people or so. Boosting posts eliminates the chance that no one is seeing your message.

The goal of Facebook Boosting is to reach the most amount of people and get people engaged in your brand. Once this is done for a solid amount of time, Facebook may reward you with more organic reach. Think of Facebook Boosting as a temporary, starting-out point as your build your social media presence. You shouldn’t have to be boosting your Facebook posts forever.

For questions about Boosted Posts, Facebook Advertising, and how to grow your business through social media, call ADZEDIA at 800-401-3590.