Online Marketing Comes Full Circle

As your local expert in online marketing, we here at Adzedia wanted to take a minute to talk about how we are implementing online marketing campaigns and give some tips for implementing your own campaign. Online marketing can seem a little scary when approaching it for the first time. The internet is so huge and there are thousands of ways you can put your message in front of people – but which way is the best? When working with our clients, we try to create a full campaign that touches on the most important aspects of online marketing.

First, we develop an online presence. The most obvious way to do this is to create or improve social media accounts. We usually make sure there is a Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest (depending on the audience we’re looking for) presence. Gaining followers on each platforms requires a different strategy. Sometimes we’ll run a likes campaign to a targeted audience or we’ll start following people who may have an interest in our client. Figuring out what to post on these sites takes a little trail and error, but we like to focus on quality content mixed with a little humor. Try not to take yourself too seriously for best results.

The main goal is to develop the social media enough to where searching the company results in all the social media accounts and their website. People like to know that you’re active. While working on your online presence, you might also want to take a look at your website. Is it all it can be? does it have SEO in mind? is it visually appealing? You can send a million people to your website and have a wildly successful advertising campaign but if your website isn’t top notch, none of it matters. Take some time to work with your team and make important changes to your website before you put money into advertising.

Once your online presence is established and your website is looking good, you can start your advertising. Adwords, Bing, and Facebook are good places to start. Depending on your business you’ll find one of these to be more valuable than the others. It is important to test these different platforms to see what your audience is responding to. Within each platform you also want to test different images, copy, and targeting. It can be a little confusing or overwhelming, but it is essential to A/B test everything to find what exactly works for you.

After finding what works, you must maintain your campaigns! It is common for marketers to become comfortable with a campaign that seems to work, but we caution you to not get lazy. The way to stay successful is to constantly try to beat your best performing ad. There are always new targets, images, and wording to try. Successful ads can become stale faster than you may imagine. Setting up your social media and ad campaigns can be very time consuming, but once everything is up and running, keeping them fresh is easy as long as you’re paying attention to your internal and external environments.

If you have any questions on social media strategy, setting up an online marketing campaign, or website design, don’t hesitate to give us a call: 800-401-3590!